Weekly Review 5th – 11th September 2011 “Josip Simunic”

12 September 2011

Josip Simunic

Recovered from that illness on Monday this week, although I still have a cough now triggered from the smoking in the stadium when I saw Hadjuk Split vs Dinamo Zagreb yesterday! It’s a big rivalry, the atmosphere was great and the flares and crackers made it crazy! Something you would never see in any other part of the world. Video says it all. The match itself ended 1-1. It was alright, a split player got sent off in the first half an hour, but then split scored! Dinamo equalised later on. When I compare myself to those players that were on the pitch, I thought that I’m not far off (not being cocky), in fact I think I’m just as good as a few of them technically and maybe even smarter! If these teams are the best in Croatia, then I have to be good enough to be a pro. The night before the match, I talked to Josip Simunic because he was staying in our nice hotel, I think they were staying in the luxury suites as well! (footballers lifestyles..). Josip played for Deakin, my old club in Canberra. And actually, another old player from Deakin was playing for Split in the match, Steven Lustica. I told him about my situation, that I am 18, out of school, and trying to find a professional club. I told him that I used to play for Deakin, and asked who my coach was there. He knew exactly who my coach was! He said to me that it’s very difficult to make it.. and that’s all he kept saying really. But he seemed like a nice guy and I got a photo!

Chris told me this week that he was arranging a trial with a Scottish third division team called Montrose. I basically told him no, I don’t want to go live in some place in the middle of nowhere. I did a Google search and looked at maps.. and yeah it’s basically a small fishing town. But I’ve thought about it a bit now.. I guess it depends on where the training ground is, but It’s an hours drive away from Aberdeen and Dundee. I guess when I think about that.. it wouldn’t be too bad. Hmm.. but Scottish footballers are fucking hard cunts, aren’t they? I guess I know for sure I would be faster than alot of them, and probably better technically. Anyway, back to that later.

Jahan gave me the facebook of this guy called John Petter, apparently he’s the one who can get me into a club in Holland. But he seems never to answer his facebook messages, so I’m guessing he’s a lazy dick with something else going on in his life.

Anyway, with football right now it’s about waiting for a desirable city, with an international community, and international student housing for cool social life and great lifestyle. But I guess I can’t really wait any longer either.. choices, choices, choices..


So after a long car ride, I’m back in Budapest. I’m starting training with Moses again tomorrow morning. It’s midnight now, so It’s off to bed.

Missed 3:40 because my priorities were on being with the fam. So roll that on to next week. Approx 3 hrs everyday next week.

Also started the mental training set by athletesaudio.. I’ve done a few sessions so far, I think all the exercises there are really going to be great help on the pitch.

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In 2009, I was an average soccer player with a dream. I started this blog to document my journey from local underdog to getting offered over $100,000 in soccer scholarships, a contract to play professionally and the experience of playing in Europe.
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