8-2.. what a shocker.There were some really nice goals in the match though. Ashley Young’s two goals, both very skillful. I have to try do that more myself, a quick touch inside of the defender and get the shot away outside the box.
So.. Amsterdam! It looks like it’s actually going to be organised. Jahan told me that he would come with me and we may go next week Monday (not tomorrow). Although I’m 80% sure this will happen, because something always doesn’t go as planned.
Chris hasn’t arranged anything, still waiting on him.
My email for an college scholarship was sent out to hundreds of coaches again. And they all told me, Nick if you have an agent or play professionally, the rules state you can’t play at college level in America.
This was a shock to me. I had no idea. I was very disappointed, because I had actually began to consider more going to the U.S. even if I was playing professionally. I could live the life that was on TV. Dorm parties, American girls and alot of fun.
Then I thought to myself, wait a second.. Would my life really be like that? I mean my schedule would be like training twice a day, studying, assignments, missing classes and making them up later, going to some parties every now and then, leaving early and getting up to train in the morning. I guess it would be the same as I’m doing now. If I am a student athlete, and serious about making it big later, I won’t be out partying every night and drinking.. not that I would want to treat my body like that. I don’t think it would be the same experience. Maybe I’m being stupid, I wouldn’t want to stay a full four years playing in college. I wouldn’t go to america for the benefit of playing football, only the social benefits for a year or two.
I also talked to Khaled an international player (the guy from Invision I talked to a few weeks ago) who went for two years and he said this:
“If you are not on a professional team already, then its the best thing you can do. However, soccer in the united states is not the best. And it would be very difficult to make it to the mls as a foreigner. Trust me, I tried.
The level is good in college, but the only problem I had was the season was too short. It lasted 3 months and the rest of the year was forced to jump from amateur team to team…
If you want to get a degree, and play soccer at the same time, then go to the U.S.
If I had to do it again, I would go to school in Europe, and catch with the professional team near my university…Its just difficult for me to advise to go to the united states, because soccer their is very disorganized. I have tons of friends who played in college and never made it pro. Only a few did. The rest are working now.”
So going to America would probably be a step back.
What I could do to replicate that cool social part is when I sign a contract in Europe, I try living in a university dorm or student housing. I could make lots of friends and still do the same things that they do, without the studying. Europe is a great place to live, the best place to live my dream, so a creative solution like this.. it sounds perfect to me.
Next Week
The latter part of the week I’ve had a throbbing headache and a bit of a fever. I also worked dozens of hours on getting the Akitso business up and running. This means I didn’t complete my hours once again! I WILL, I PROMISE to do at least 3 1/2 hours per day next week, but if I need to go to the physio or go to Amsterdam early, then I can’t complete it.
Update: I think I have bronchitis, so on these rest days I’ll do at least 1:30 of analysis so I’m doing something.
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