Weekly Review 7th – 13th March 2011 [dudu]

13 March 2011

Meds were done this week. I can finally start playing every weekend for the next few months. Not going to keep this long because I have to study for a important German oral exam + I have my mocks.

I will quickly tell you a story about “Dudu”. In my team there is this random black guy called Dudu. He’s 21 and after a match on reserve game on Saturday, I was with him and he was talking about where he played and stuff. What he’s doing in the 4th division of Hungary I don’t know, but I think because of his girlfriend and his agent he’s having trouble with. Now he’s good, reminds me of Essien. But not amazing. He said he was offered a contract in Finland for 5000 euro a month and has lots of managers calling him up. Of course, I don’t know how true the things he’s saying are, but if he’s getting offers, then surely I can get offers too and I am four years younger than him! Back in October, one of my coaches was talking about possibly playing in Finland and now I’m beginning to see over that huge wall of doubt and thinking “will I be a professional footballer?” I’m guessing that I have a very good chance of starting my career in one of the lower leagues around Europe and work my way up to playing in the Premier league of course!

Coach told me this week that he will be sending over my CV and video to his friend that just became a director at a 1st division Belgium club. He sternly told me that I can’t go and screw up there because “It won’t look good for anyone.” One of my fears and motivators is not getting my coach angry! I can’t fail him and I don’t want to fail myself anymore! I have to make it!

Training Review

20 hours like always. One thing I saw observing games this week were Hernandez’ (Man united) runs. There always really good, he’s always trying to get to the nearpost and on the attack his movement is soo nice. I’m going to try make more the runs that he does.

  • 60 – 80x attempted high pace dribbling through five cones and touch left foot crosses
  • 150 right foot free kick from 20 – 25 yards.
  • 100x left foot free kick from 20 – 25 yards
  • 60x Dribble 5 cones shift ball and finish left and right foot
  • 100-120x dribble 5 cones, shift ball right/left finish into corner
  • Crossing work with friend 45 min
  • Juggling and shooting 15 min
  • Free train, shooting, crossing, penalties, passing 2 hours.

Game Review
Played with the reserves for some reason.. it sucks.. I don’t like playing the reserves, most players are rubbish. I should be playing with the a-team but I’m not sure why. Played 45 min, right mid (only could play one half, because of u/19’s)
– come to ball more, want it. Didn’t want it enough.
– one on ones shit.
– I’m making more runs = good.


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In 2009, I was an average soccer player with a dream. I started this blog to document my journey from local underdog to getting offered over $100,000 in soccer scholarships, a contract to play professionally and the experience of playing in Europe.
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