Hmm.. what to say about this week.
Going through the days I found
Looking at what i’ve wrote the last few weeks, working on having smaller touches looks like the biggest concern. So next week i’ll focus on keeping smaller touches! I wish I could work on this stuff at the oval near my house, but it’s snowed down like crazy the last few days.
So I Couldn’t train on Saturday or today because I slightly sprained my toe, hopefully it gets better by tomorrow.
It’s probably because i’ve kicked my mini ball all around the house alot this past week before school and after trainings. What Will Smith said about “working when the other dude is sleeping” has made me think and realise that to go where I want to go I gotta “work on my football skills while the other dudes are sleeping” .
Fresh new week from Monday, I got a game on Saturday to top it off. Lovin it.
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